Our Services

Vox productions advance a range of client goals: education, promotion, advocacy, marketing, internal communications, and general information. We steep ourselves in your culture and mission, we research and refine your message, and we deliver it with impact and style.

Video Production, Full Service

Video Production

Vox employs an experienced team of professional producers, camera and sound crew, writers, and editors. And maintains a full roster of production associates throughout the United States and abroad. With state of the art production equipment, edit suites, and best-in-class graphic and animation capacity, we have the means and methods to deliver the media your organization needs.

Digital Production Services

Digital Media

Our digital producers create courseware, web content, educational resources, and professional development tools for a variety of goals and clients.

Educational Support, Video and Content

Online Education

With educational producers on staff, and a network of expert curriculum writers, instructional designers, and developers, Vox can build online courses, learning modules, and video-based training.

Our Clients Include: